Tag Archive for: Coconut Oil

Healthy Cacao, Coconut & Date Balls

  A quick, healthy snack that you can make in advance and freeze. Start this recipe a day in advance.


  • 12 Medjool dates
  • 1 cup Almond Meal
  • 1/3 cup Coconut Oil
  • 1/3 cup Cacao Powder
  • 1 tablespoon Chia Seeds


  1. Place dates in a medium bowl and cover with water.  Stand for 1 hour. Drain and discard seeds.
  2. Process dates, almond meal, shredded coconut, coconut oil, cacao powder and chia seeds until mixture comes together. Transfer to a bowl and stand for 20 minutes for chia seeds to soften.
  3. Place remaining coconut in a shallow dish.
  4. Roll level tablespoons of mixture into balls. Roll in coconut to coat.
Date balls can be frozen for up to 1 month.
Nutritional Values
Energy803kJFat saturated5.70g
Fat Total9.80gCarbohydrate sugars19.30g
Carbohydrate Total26.60gDietary Fibre4.50g
All nutritional values are per serving.
(The following ingredients: Almond Flour; Shredded Coconut; Coconut Oil & Chia Seeds are all available at Dried Fruit for Africa)

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the leader of oils! The healthiest oil on earth.

The difference is in the fat molecule. All fats and oils are composed of molecules called fatty acids.

There are two methods of classifying fatty acids. The first you are probably familiar with is based on saturation. You have saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. Another system of classification is based on molecular size or length of the carbon chain within each fatty acid. Fatty acids consist of long chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached. In this system, you have short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), medium-chain fatty acids(MCFA), and long-chain fatty acids(LCFA). Coconut oils compose predominately of medium-chain fatty acids(MCFA), also known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT).

The size of the fatty acid is extremely important.

Why? Because our bodies respond to and metabolise each fatty acid differently depending on its size. So the physiological effects of MCFA in coconut oil are distinctly different from those of LCFA more commonly found in our foods. The saturated fatty acids in coconut oil are predominately medium-chain fatty acids. Both the saturated and unsaturated fat found in meat, milk, eggs and plants (including most all vegetable oils) are composed of LCFA. MFCA is very different from LCFA. They do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and help to protect against heart disease. MCFA help to lower the risk of both atherosclerosis and heart disease. It is primarily due to the MCFA in coconut oil that makes it so special and so beneficial.

Because coconut oil is so highly saturated, it is the most stable oil on the planet. You could drop a nuclear bomb on a jar of coconut fat and it is going to come out the other side unharmed. The extra virgin processing really isn’t necessary like it is with seed oil. Coconut oil is solid above 74°F. The steaming point of refined coconut oil is 450°F or 232°C.

  • Refined coconut oil is the safest and most effective cooking oil.
  • Use coconut oil to moisturize skin, and remove blemishes.
  • Use coconut oil on your to combat dandruff and soften your hair.
  • Consume coconut oil in recommended quantities to boost energy levels and it may help in weight-loss.

Uses of Coconut Oil

  • Moisturizer – simply scoop some out of the jar and apply all over your body, including neck and face.
  • Eye cream – apply under the eyes to reduce puffiness, bags, and wrinkles. Use on the lids in the evening.
  • Preshave – coconut oil will prep skin for the pending damage caused by shaving.
  • Aftershave – coconut oil will help heal your skin after shaving without clogging pores.
  • Deodorant – coconut oil alone can be used as a deodorant, but even more effective in combination with cornstarch/arrowroot powder and baking soda!
  • Hair Conditioner/Deep Treatment – use as a leave-in hair conditioner by applying a teaspoon of coconut oil to your ends and then running your fingers through your hair to distribute the rest! For a deeper treatment, rub in a tablespoon of coconut oil onto your dry scalp and gently work through to the ends. Put a shower cap on to prevent transfer onto bed linens and leave on overnight.
  • Hair Gel/Defrizzer – rub a little between your palms and either scrunch into hair (for curly hair) or finger comb in through from scalp to ends (for wavy/straight hair).
  • Toothpaste –mix coconut oil and baking soda and dab a little of the mix on my toothbrush.
  • Makeup remover – use a cotton swab and a dab of coconut oil and you would be amazed at how well it works!
  • Chapstick – just rub a little into lips
  • Massage Oil – pretty simple; grab some and rub!
  • Lubricant – it is an all natural, perfectly safe personal lubricant. Not compatible with latex!
  • Stretch Mark Cream – coconut oil is great for nourishing damaged skin. It may not be the magic stretch mark cure but it will help.
  • Nipple Cream – works great to nourish cracked, sore, or dry nipples. Apply to a cotton ball and leave on your nipples between feedings.
  • Diaper salve – very comforting on a rashy bum with no harsh chemicals. Also safe for cloth diapers.
  • Cradle cap – having issues with dry skin on your baby’s scalp? Coconut oil will not only nourish your baby’s skin, it also helps eliminate cradle cap. Just rub a teaspoon onto scalp daily.
  • Body scrub – mix coconut oil and sugar together and rub all over! Rinse off and your skin will be super soft! You can add essential oils if you would like a specific smell.
  • Healing – when applied to scrapes and cuts, coconut oil forms a thin, chemical layer which protects the wound from outside dust, bacteria and virus.
  • Coconut oil speeds up the healing process of bruises by repairing damaged tissues. Plus, it smells a heck-of-a-lot better than anything from the pharmacy.
  • Bug Bites – when applied directly to a bug bite, coconut oil can stop the itching and burning sensation as well as hasten the healing process.
  • Skin problems – coconut oil relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema.
  • Swimmers Ear – mix garlic oil and coconut oil and put a few drops in affected ear for about 10 minutes. Do this 2-3 times a day and it usually works within one or two days.

General Health and Wellness

  • Digestion – the saturated fats in coconut oil have anti-bacterial properties that help control, parasites, and fungi that cause indigestion and other digestion related problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. The fat in coconut oil also aids in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making you healthier all around.
  • Weight Loss – coconut oil has been proven to stimulate your metabolism, improve thyroid function, and escalate energy levels, all of which help decrease your unwanted fat while increasing muscle.
  • Nosebleeds – coconut oil can prevent nose bleeding that is caused by sensitivity to weather such as extreme hotness and extreme coldness. This condition happens when the nasal passages become dry because of cold or dry air resulting in burns and cracks in the mucus membranes so bleeding happens. To prevent this just put coconut oil in your nostrils. Coat your finger with coconut oil and then lie down and coat your finger inside your nose. Doing this will strengthen and protect the capillaries in the nasal passages. A Vitamin C supplement will also help prevent nose bleeding.
  • For breastfeeding moms, consuming 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily will enrich your milk supply.
  • Help keep blood sugar levels stable and/or helps with cravings in those with diabetes.
  • Eczema – in addition to taking it internally, many have success applying it externally, some don’t.
  • Skin problems
  • Toenail fungus
  • Bleeding haemorrhoids (can also be applied externally twice a day)
  • Head lice
  • Thrush
  • Relieve gallbladder pain
  • Energy Boost
  • Flaky, dry skin
  • May relieve acid reflux and indigestion when taken with each meal
  • Cholesterol – improves HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) to LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) ratio in people with high cholesterol
  • Circulation/feeling cold all the time
  • Stronger immune system
  • Helps with inflammation in Crohn’s
  • Athletes foot
  • Canker sores
  • Acne
  • Cellulite
  • Herpes (applied topically and taken internally)
  • Genital warts (through topical application over 6 weeks, and coconut oil enemas twice a day depending on the location of warts)
  • Cooking
  • Use 1 cup to 1 cup ratio when replacing other oils/butter in recipes with coconut oil.
  • Replacement for butter/lard– greasing pans, pie crusts, etc.
  • Replacement for various oils in liquid form – baking, cooking, sautéing, etc.
  • Nutritional supplement – melt and add to smoothies.

Other Uses

  • Insect repellent – mix coconut oil with peppermint oil extract and rub it all over exposed skin.
  • Great for dogs and cats for general wellness. Just add a teaspoon to their water bowl daily.
  • Goo Gone – just mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda into a paste. Apply to the “sticky” area and let it set for a minute. Then scrub off with an old toothbrush or the scrubby side of a sponge.
  • Chewing Gum in Hair Remover – just rub some coconut oil over the stuck chewing gum, leave in for about 30 minutes, then roll the gum between your fingertip. Voila! It’s out!
  • Polish Furniture – coconut oil with a little bit of lemon juice to polish wood furniture. However, test it first on a very small, unobtrusive part of your furniture to make sure it works the way you’d like.
  • Polishing Bronze – all you have to do is rub a little oil into a cotton towel and then wipe down the statue. It cleans and helps deepen the colour of your bronze.
  • Seasoning animal hide drums
  • Seasoning cookware
  • Moisturizing and cleaning leather products

Quinn’s Coconut Oil is available at Dried Fruit for Africa in Brackenfell & Stikland.  Dried Fruit for Africa reserves the right to change the price at any time without notice.  Ph: 021 982 8672